
Paul's Journey Chapter 2: The Monkey and The Hare3

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Paul: "So how old are you?"

Ash: "I'm 15 now and Misty is 14. This is my third time in Sinnoh since I started my Journey."

Paul: "Oh I Know who you are I've seen you on TV in the Pokemon League. That and the old man won't shut up about you and Gary. SO how have you been haven't seen you since you were small well smaller."

Ash: "Good. Man you've changed I hardly recognized you."

Paul: "Yeah hard training will do that sit down for a bit will you I got some more sandwiches in my pack If you like."

Ash: "Sure."

Misty: "I am a bit hungry."

Paul: "We got 2 spicy grilled cheese, 2 PB and J, and a egg and fried baloney with MooMooMilk and Pokecola to drink. So what would you like?"

Misty: "PB and J sounds good with a milk."

Ash: "Grilled cheese sounds good with a milk."

Paul: "Here you go" Paul hands them their sandwiches and milks "So what you doing in Sinnoh Ash? On a little vacation or just running errands for the old man?"

Ash: "Actually I'm taking on the Battle Frontier here in Sinnoh and spending time with Misty. I'v already beat 2 of the Frontier Brains."

Paul: "Nice. So what did the old man want with me? I Haven't seen him in years."

Misty: "Something about a package from your parents."

Paul: "Probably one of their new inventions they want me to test for them."

Misty: "Oh Right Your parents are lead inventors at Devin-Corp."

Paul: "How do you know that?"

Misty: "The professor told me to help us find you."

Paul: "Oh. Well I'll talk to him when I get back to the Pokemon Center. So Ash what Pokemon do you got with you?"

Ash: "Right now Sceptile, Emboar, Staraptor, Buizel, Infernape, and of course my buddy Pikachu."


Ash: "Why do you ask?"

Paul: "Well we don't meet many good trainers. Want to battle Jacob? He's gotten a bit rusty."

'Infer!' (Hey!)

Paul: "I'm just teasing Jacob. So what do you say?"

Ash: "You're on. It'll be a nice warm up for the next facility I challenge."

Paul: "Alright your whole team vs Jacob should be good."

Ash: "Wait what? Isn't that a little unfair?"

Paul: "You're right it is a little unfair for you, but Jacob is the only fighter on my team right now besides me. Rose can fight but she's still asleep and has got her new dress on and Alice here is still recovering from an injured leg so yeah you'll just have to settle for Jacob."

Ash: "If you say so. Lets get started."

Paul: "Lets move a good distance off first so we don't ruin the scenery here."

Ash: "Good call."

'Lop Pun' (But I want to watch to.)

Paul: "Don't worry Alice we'll stay to where you can see us. Misty mind staying with her?"

Misty: "Not at all."

Paul: "Thanks."

Paul and ash walk several feet away to a spot close to the place where Paul and Jacob trained earlier

Ash: "What happened there?"

Paul: "Oh that? That's where  me and Jacob was training earlier."

Ash: "He must be very strong to create such craters."

Paul: "Actually those craters are from the Aura Spheres he was knocking away."

Ash: "But then who on you team was firing Aura Spheres?"

Paul: "Me." Paul holds out his hand and creates an Aura Sphere and then it disappears "9 years of hard training with a shiny Lucario the reason I'm just starting my journey."

Ash: "Well that explains the sensation I got when I met you."

Paul: "I know about your powerful Aura since back when I visited Pallet Town when  I was 16 a few years after my training started. Enough talk lets get started."

Ash: "Couldn't agree more lets see you keep up with Sceptile. Go

'Sceptile' (Bring it)

Paul: "No Problem. Jacob."

'Infernape' (Lets kick it)

Ash: "You go first."

Paul: "You'll regret that. Jacob Get Going."

'Infer' (No Prob)

In a flash Jacob is next to Sceptile with a Mach Punch ready

'Scep' (Fast!)

Sceptile quickly ducks just missing the Mach Punch but can't dodge the Blaze Kick and is sent flying and is instantly K.O.ed

Ash: "Sceptile return! You deserve a good rest. Not bad but I'm far from done. Lets go Buizel."

'Bui Bui' (Bring it on)

Ash: "Buizel use Aqua Jet."

'Bui' (Going)

Paul: "Jacob."

'Fernape' (I Know you don't have to tell me)

Buizel uses Aqua Jet. Jacob counters with Mach Punch that brakes through the Aqua Jet and sends Buizel flying backwards and when he stops he is out cold

Ash: "Buizel! You did good. Get some rest. I gotta say Jacob is pretty strong."

Paul: "That's an understatement."

Ash: "But I'm still not going to loose. Lets go Infernape."

'Infernape' (Ready to go)

Ash: "Infernape use Flare Blitz."

'Infer' (Got it)

Infernape starts heading towards Jacob

'Infer Fernape' (Not enough power kid.)

Jacob activates his Flare Blitz and collides with Infernape in an Explosion followed by a cloud of black smoke. When the smock clears Jacob still stands with his Flare Blitz going strong

Ash: "Man. Return. Get a good rest."

Paul: "Come on Ash show me your best."

Ash: "You want it you got it. Lets go Emboar use Fire Pledge."

'Embor' (You got it)

Emboar uses Fire Pledge and it heads toward Jacob fast

Paul: "Jacob stop it cold."

'Infer' (On it)

Jacob uses Mach Punch on the ground canceling out Emboar's Fire Pledge

Ash: "Lets try Arm Thrust."

'Boar' (Alright)

Emboar charges with arm thrust but is caught by Jacob

'Infer' (Not good enough)

Jacob picks Emboar up and throws him into the air, jumps up, and hits him back down with a Mach Punch causing a huge crater and a huge plume of dust

Ash: "Emboar!"

The dust clears and Emboar is K.O.ed in the bottom of the crater

Ash: "Emboar return!."

Paul: "Only two left."

Ash: "But it's still not over till it's over. Go Staraptor!"

'Staraptor' (You're going down punk)

Paul: "Oh no not one of THEM."

'In Infer Fer Fernape' (We'll see about that. Bring it you overgrown rat with wings)

Ash: "Staraptor use Close Combat!"

Paul: "Jacob block all off them."

Staraptor gets close and uses Close Combat but Jacob blocks every hit until Staraptor gets tired

'Star Star' (How are you so good?)

'Infer' (My turn)

Jacob uses his own Close Combat and lands every hit knocking out Staraptor

Paul: "**At least he didn't piss Jacob off** Only Pikachu left."

Ash: "Staraptor return! You did good now get some rest. Maybe but my little buddy here is a power pack. Go."

'Pikaaaa' (Hope you're ready)

Paul: "Last one Jacob. Lets give them a show."

'Infer' (You got it)

Ash: "Pikachu use Thunder full power."

Paul: "Show them you're endurance."

Jacob takes the Thunder and is almost unaffected except for a few scratches

'In Infer Fernape' (Impressive you're the strongest Pokemon I've faced so far but it's time to end this)

Paul: "I couldn't agree more Jacob."

Jacob charges with Mach Punch. Pikachu tries to dodge but isn't fast enough and is sent skidding across the battle field

'Pi Pika' (I'm not done yet)

'Infer' (Not bad but you still won't beat me)

Paul: "Want to keep going Ash?"

Ash: "Buddy can you keep going?"

'Chuuuu' (Lets take him down)

Ash: "Alright we'll keep going"

Paul: "It's your funeral. Jacob finish it."

'Infer' (No Prob)

Ash: "Pikachu use Iron Tail."

Pikachu charges with Iron Tail. Jacob counters with Mach Punch and when they collide an explosion of black smock covers the battle field.

Ash: "Pikachu!"

The smock clears and Pikachu is passed out. Ash runs over to Pikachu and picks him up.

Ash: "Good job buddy."

Paul: "Good job Jacob."

'Infer' (Not even a good warm up)

Paul: "Ash catch."

Paul throws Ash an oran berry

Paul: "That should help some till you get to the Pokemon center. Let me pack up and I'll head back with you."

Ash: "Alright. Man your Infernape is strong."

They start walking back to the tree

Paul: "Yeah but even so he still hasn't managed to beat me."

Ash: "What kind of training did you go through?"

Paul: "You Don't want to know."



Back at the tree

Paul: "Well what did you think?"

Misty: "Ash you need to get better."

Ash: "Hey!"

Paul: "Hehehehe. It's not his fault. Jacob is just that strong."

'It was a good show at least'

Paul: "Sorry didn't mean to wake you up Honey."

'It's alright but is it alright in front of them?'

Paul: "They're OK they're some of the excepting ones I told you about."

Misty: "We already treat our Pokemon like people and we can understand our friend Brock ended up settling down with a Fire Elemental that was the daughter of some guy and a Blaziken."

Ash: "And isn't one of your sisters with some talking human shaped Vaporeon. By the way how did he get his human shape?"

Misty: "Oh Jhon? He the son of a Steel Elemental and a female Vaporeon. Try not to think about it to much."

Ash: "Enough said so can we go now."

Paul: "Yeah just let us pack up. Mind giving me a hand Honey."


Alice gets on Jacobs back and Paul and Rose put the pick nick blanket back in the backpack and Paul puts on the backpack

Paul: "Alright lets go."



Later at the Pokemon center

Paul: "Hey you guys gonna stay and watch the contest?"

Ash: "Sure. If it's alright with Misty."

Misty: "I wouldn't mind."

Ash: "Guess that settles it we'll be there."

Paul: "Me and Rosey are entering. Hope you guys cheer us on."

Ash: "We will."

Paul: "Well I'm going to go call the old man. Talk to you guys later."

Ash: "See you I'm going to go heal my Pokemon."

Misty: "Bye."

Paul: "Why don't you guys go back to the room after this I'm going to go sign up for the contest."


'Infer' (See you later man.)

'Lop Pun' (Awww. But Jacobs back is so comfy.)

Paul: "Why don't you just sleep together tonight? Problem solved."

Both blush 'Lop Punny' (I wouldn't mind that at all)

Jacob blushes harder 'In Infer' (Lets just go)

Jacob, Alice, and Rose go back to the room and Paul walks over to the phones and calls Oak

*Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Clank*

Oak: "Hello. Who is it?"

Paul: "Remember me"

Oak: "Not really. Who are you?"

Paul: "Come on old man don't tell me you for got already. You must be loosing you memory with age."

Oak: "Wait a minute. Old Man. Only one person I know calls me that. Paul is that really you?"

Paul: "Yeah how've you been gramps."

Oak: "Wow you've gotten so big. I hardly recognized you. Whats up?"

Paul: "Well I just met up with Ash and Misty. They said you had a package for me from mom and dad."

Oak: "Oh yes that. They came to visit me about a week ago and wanted me to send it to you. Where are you now?"

Paul: "Beach Rose town in Sinnoh. We're staying at the Pokemon center until the contest is over."

Oak: "Alright I'll send it there. It should take about two days to get there."

Paul: "What is it?"

Oak: "I don't know but it is a big package."

Paul: "Alright. See you later old man."

Oak: "Bye Paul. Do call me more often. I haven't head from you in years."

Paul: "I will later" *Clank* Paul hangs up the phone and leaves to sign up for the contest



At the contest hall

????: "Alright that should do it. You're all signed up and here is your number. When your number is called it will be your turn to perform."

Paul: "Thanks. So I'm number 28 huh. See you later I got to get going."

????: "Alright have a nice day."

Paul: "You too. Man It's already 6 o'clock."

Paul walks out of the contest hall and back to the Pokemon center



Later in their room Jacob and Alice are on the bed talking and laughing and Rose Is sitting at the table reading The Secrets of Dance as Paul walks in

"I'm back so looks like we'll be the 28 to perform."

'Alright we'll knock em dead'

"That's the spirit. Hey do you guys know what happened to Ash and Misty?"

'They got the room next door'

"Oh. Well who's hungry?"


'Infer' (I could eat a Tauros)

'Pun' (Me Too)

"Well how does stake sound?"

'Mmmmm good'

'Pun' (Alright)

'Fernape' (My mouth is watering thinking about it)

"Alright I'll start cooking. Girls why don't you go take a bath it should be done by the time you guys get out. Rose Put your dress on the hanger and put it on the door knob I'll wash close in a bit."


'Infer Fernape' (Just wait till I leave the room to change)

'I was planning on it'

Paul starts cooking as Jacob helps Alice to the bath room

'Alright set her down on the toilet seat I can manage the rest Jacob'

'Infer' (Alright)

Jacob sets Alice down as Rose starts running the bath water and Jacob leaves shutting the door behind him

'Mmmm water feels good. Here Alice let me give you a hand'

'Pun' (Thanks)

Rose helps Alice into the filled bath tub and then takes her dress off and puts it on a hanger and hangs it on the outside door knob

'Now for this old thing'

Rose then proceeds to take off her natural white dress, hang it on a hanger, and put it on the knob with the other one

'Punny? Lop Pun' (That one comes off? I thought it was like your skin.)

Rose walks over to the tub and joins Alice

'Aaaawww. No they're silk clothes that all of my species are born with and change as we evolve. If I was Male and Evolved into a Gallade they would just be pants.'

Alice just stares at Rose


'Pun Lop' (How did you get them to grow so big?)

'Uh Just natural I guess'

'Lop Pun Punny?' (Do you think mine will ever get that big?)

'Sure some day'

'Pun Lo Lop Punny' (But yours are so much bigger than mine about twice the size.)

'Hehe I'm Just glad my white dress grows with me I think it would be hard to find a bra in my size'

'L-Lop Pun' (D-Do you think Jacob likes big Breast?)

'I don't think it matters because he likes you and I'm pretty sure yours are big enough for him'

'Lo Lop?' (What do you mean?)

'Well every time you get on his back he blushes and the flames on his head turn pink. If you haven't noticed it changes color with his emotions. I guess he feels them on his back.'

'Lop Punny' (Teeheheh. Yeah I have noticed. Guess your right.)

Paul grabs the clothes off the door and puts them in the clothes hamper and knocks on the door

"I'm going to wash the clothes I'll be back in a bit."

'Alright We'll still be here until they're clean.'

"And just to let you guys know Jacob passed out listening to you guys."

'Pun' (What?!)

'You guys could hear us the whole time!'

"Yeah. The door isn't sound proof you know. He overheated and passed out around when you guys were talking about how it would be hard for Rose to find bra's in her size. I leaned him up against the wall so be careful and don't trip over him if you come out."

'We won't and now Alice is out too. She passed out when you said Jacob could hear us.'

"I thought so."

Paul leaves to do the laundry

'Alice. Hey Alice. Wake up It's not good to sleep in the tub'

'Pun' (What happened)

'Lets just say you got so embarrassed you passed out and leave it at that. **Because if I tell you the whole thing that happened you'll just pass out again**'

'Lop' (OK)

'Turn around and let me watch your back'

'Pun' (Alright)

Alice turns around and Rose starts washing her back

'Lo Pun' (Mmmmmmm. That feels good)

'Yeah it always does'

'Lop Pun' (This is the first warm bath I've ever had)

'Well get use to it'

'Lo Lop' (That shouldn't be to hard)

'So when are you going to tell Jacob how you feel?'

Alice blushes 'Lo Lop Pun' (I don't know. When the mood is right and I get enough courage I guess)

'He feels the same way you know'

'Pun' (Yeah I know)

Rose takes a bucket of water and pours it down Alice's back

'Alright your back is nice and clean'

'Pun Lop' (Alright my turn to do you)

Alice and Rose switch positions and Alice starts washing Rose's back


'Lop Pun' (Wow your skin is so soft)

'Teehe thanks'

Alice pours a bucket of water on Rose's back

'Lo Lop Pun' (Alright now your back is nice and clean too)

'I wonder how much longer Paul is going to be with the laundry I'm getting prunny'

"I'm Back."

'Speak of the devil'

Paul opens the door a bit and hangs Rose's white dress on the knob inside the bathroom

'Thanks Honey'

"No Problem Rosey."

Paul folds and hangs the clothes and puts them in the closet then goes back and flips the stakes as Alice and Rose get out of the tub

'Lo Lop Pun' (Guess I'm staying in here a while till my fur dries)

'No just use a blow dryer'

'Lo Lop?' (What's a blow dryer?)

'Oh right I forgot you aren't use to appliances yet. Sit down over here.'

Rose helps Alice over to the chair in front of the mirror and picks up the blow drier

'This is a blow dryer is shoots hot air to dry hair fast'

'Lo' (Oh)

'You might want to cover your ears it can be a bit loud'

'Pun' (OK)

Rose starts up the blow drier and dries Alice's hair

'There done now you just need to brush it'

'Lop Pun' (I'll say. I look like a big cotton ball.)

'Well you can do that on the bed the boys gotta have a bath to'

'Pun' (Good Point)

'Let me get dressed and I'll help you to the bed'

'Lop' (Alright)

Rose puts on her natural white dress and helps Alice to the bed

'Looks like Jacob is still out cold'

"Yeah but he'll wake up when I Drop him in the bath water hehe."

'How's dinner coming along?'

"Good the stakes are done just need to be cut and the fries should only be another 5 min."

'I can handle the rest you go take your bath'

"Alright thanks Rosey." Paul Kisses Rose on the cheek

'Teehe. You're welcome'

"Alright come on Jacob time to wake you up."

Paul grabs Jacob by the arms and drags him into the bathroom then comes back out to get his pajamas, goes back into the bathroom, and closing the door behind him

"Before I throw you in the tub lets get your armor off"

Paul Takes all of Jacobs armor off and throws him in the tub

'Fer Infer Fernape' (I'm Up. I'm Up. What-What happened?)

"You Passed out listening to the girls talk."

'Fer' (Oh)

"And Alice Passed out when I told them we could hear them."

'Infer' (What!)

"Don't worry she woke up and is brushing her hair on the bed while Rose is finishing fixing dinner."

'Pun' (Hey Jacob. Morning)

"Well I'm not going to get clean just standing here."

Paul undresses and gets in the tub

"Aaaaww. Nothing like a good warm bath to relax the body."

'In Infer' (I agree with that)

"Jacob when did you loose your collar?"

'In Fernape' (It Popped off during the fight with that first Feraligator)

"Why didn't you go back and get it before we left?"

'In Infer Fernape Fer' (Well I tried.Why do you think it took me so long to get up that morning? But it was destroyed at some point during the battle all i found were a fer shards of it.)

"Man that's too bad. We'll try and find you a new one if you like."

'In Infer Fernape' (Thanks man but don't go out of your way to find it OK)

"No promises."



One bath and blow dry later

"Man that felt good."

'Infer' (Yeah just hate how that blow dryer makes me all poofy)

"Need any help getting your armor back on?"

'Infer' (Nah I got it you go help with dinner if they still need it)

"Alright see you in a bit"

Paul leaves Jacob to get dressed and goes to help with dinner. Alice is sitting on the bed still brushing her fur and Rose is sitting at the table reading The Secrets to Dance

"Hey girls still need any help with dinner?"

'No. We've been waiting on you and Jacob to eat everything's ready.'

"Well sorry to say but we're going to have to wait a bit longer. Monkey boy is still getting his armor on."

'In Infer?' (What was that about me?)

"Waiting on you to eat. Now come sit down man it's getting cold."

'I'll set the table'

"Here I'll give you a hand."

'Infer' (Here Alice let me give you a hand)

'Pun' (Thanks Jacob)

Paul and Rose set the table as Jacob helps Alice to her seat

"Man I forgot to buy stake sauce."

'Mmmmm that's alright Honey it marinated enough to not need it. Mmmmm. So juicy and warm.'

"Mmmm Yeah you're right."



After a nice dinner

"Mmmmm that was good."

'Infer Fernape' (I can't eat anymore even if you paid me)

'Lop Pun' (I'm stuffed too. Hope it doesn't make me fat.)

'Infer Fer Fernape' (You. No. Even if you stuff yourself every once and a while as long as you work it off you'll always be cute and petite.)

'Lop Punny' (Teehehe. So I'm cute huh.)

Jacob blushes 'In-Infer F-Fernape' (W-Well I-I mean Um. Well yeah you are cute.)

"Let it slip huh Jacob. Hehe."

'Infer' (Aw shut up dude)

"*Yawn* I'm getting tired. Night guys."

'Lo' (Night)

'Fer' (Night)

'I'll join you in a bit. I want to finish this chapter in my book before I go to bed'

"Alright just don't stay up to late Honey."

'I won't. Night.'


Paul lays down in bed and soon falls asleep

'Lo Lop?' (What are you reading Rose?)

'A book on dance. Paul got it for me when he went to the store. I've loved to dance ever since I was a Ralts and this book teaches all sorts of dances and dance moves.'

'Lop Pun' (Wow wish I could dance. Can I see that book when you're done)

'You can read?'

'Lo Lop' (Some but not really)

'Well then the book won't do you any good. I could teach you if you'd like.'

'Lo? Lop Pun' (Really? Thank you Rose that would be just great.)

'No Prob what are friends for'

'Lo Lop' (Hehe yeah)

'And done with chapter 2. Time for me to hit the sack. Night guys.'

'Lo' (Night)

'Fer' (Night)

Rose slips into Paul's bed and Paul puts his arm over her

"Mmmm. No I can sleep peacefully."

'Teehehe Paul'

Paul and Rose snuggle up to each other and fall asleep

'Lo Lop Pun' (We should probably go to sleep soon to it's getting late)

'Infer Fernape' (Yeah here let me help you get to the bed)

'Lo Lop Pun Punny' (Thanks but why don't you sleep with me? I won't try anything funny.)

'In Infer. Fer Fernape' (I know you wouldn't but I would catch the bed on fire. Thanks for the offer though.)

"Lo Lop Pun Lop' (Well then I'll just sleep in the floor against the wall with you)

'Infer Fernape Fer' (But what about your leg?)

'Lo Lop. Lop Pun Punny' (It should be fine. I'm supposed to be allowed to walk on it again tomorrow anyways)

'Fer In Infer' (Alright but if your leg starts hurting tell me OK)

'Lo Lop' (Yay it's settled then)

Jacob sets Alice down against the wall on a pillow and sits down next to her pulling cover over them

'Lo Lop' (This is nice)

'Fer' (Yeah it is.)

Alice wraps her arms around Jacobs and snuggles her face against his chest and Jacob blushes hard

'Lo Pun Punny' (Mmmmm. So soft and warm. Good night Jacob)

'Fer Infer' (Night Alice)



7 A.M. In the Morning

"*Yawn* Time to make breakfast. Hmmm?"

Paul notices Jacob and Alice still asleep and snuggling

"I gotta take a picture of this."

Paul grabs his digital camera off the small dressior next to the bed

*Click* "Hehe Oh Rose is going to love this. They look so cute."

Paul sits the camera back on the dressior then notices Rose still sleeping. Then he notices his arm under her side.

"Man. Not going to be able to get my arm out from under her this time. Guess I'll just have to wait till she wakes up."

Paul lays back down and puts his free arm over Rose and pulls her closer


Paul kisses Rose on the ear and falls back asleep



9 A.M. In the Morning

'Mmmmmm. *Yawn* Guess it's morning.'

'Lo Lop' (Morning Rose)

'Morning. Hmm?'

Rose notices Paul with his arms around her

'Guess I'm making breakfast today'

Rose moves Paul's arm, gets up and puts on an apron, and looks in the fridge to see what she has to work with

‘We got eggs, sausage, bacon, baloney, some berries, pancake mix, and biscuit mix. I can make pancakes with sausage and scrambled eggs’

‘Lo Lop’ (So Rose how did you sleep with Paul last night?)

‘Well no funny business with you two in the room that's for sure but it was peaceful and happy’

‘So Alice how does your leg feel today?’

‘Lop Pun’ (I don’t know yet Jacob’s to comfortable to move Teehe)

‘Looks like you to had a good sleep too’

‘Lop Pun Punny’ (Yeah I had to poke a little to get him to let me sleep with him. He can be a bit to careful sometimes)

‘Well that would be a first. You know he only does it because he loves you and doesn't want to see you hurt again’

“Lop Pun’ (Yeah I know. So what you making)

Rose ties on the apron and puts two skillets on the stove

‘Pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs’

‘Lo Lop’ (Sounds good)

Rose Scrambles a carton of eggs into a big bowl, puts in some spices, and mixes until its all blended together. She then puts 6 sausage weenies in one of the skillets and some of the egg mixture into the other.

“*Yawn* Morning ladies.”

‘Morning Honey’

‘Lop Pun’ (Morning Paul)

Paul gets up out of bed and stretches and walks over to Rose cooking

“Mmmm that smells good.”

‘Pancakes, sausage, and eggs’

“Want some help?”

‘Sure Can you fix the pancake batter for me’

“No Problem”

Paul puts on an apron and starts mixing the pancake batter as Rose puts the first bit of scrambled eggs into a bowl and puts more in the skillet.She then turns the sausage

“Alice how is your leg doing today?”

‘Lo Lop’ (OK I guess. I haven’t moved it yet Jacob is so comfy)

Alice snuggles back up against Jacob rubbing her face against his chest

“After breakfast we’ll get Nurse Joy to check your leg see if you’re good to walk on it.”

‘Pun’ (Alright)

Rose puts more scrambled eggs into the bowl and pours more egg mixture into the skillet she then gets a plate, covers it with a paper towel, and places the finished sausage weenies on it and puts 8 more sausage weenies in the skillet

“Who wants what kind of pancake?”

‘Oran berry for me Honey’

‘Lop Pun’ (Pecha berry for me)

“Jacob stop fake sleeping and tell me what you want. He’s been up since before I was.”

‘In Infer Fer Fernape? Infer.’ (Aw man you couldn't just go along with it for a bit longer could you? Oran for me)

‘Lo Lop Pun?’ (You were awake the who;e time?)

‘In Fernape Fer Infer’ (Sorry but you are just too soft and comfy I couldn't move)

Paul puts a skillet on one of the back oven burners and starts fixing the pancakes

“Oh Rose later I got to show you this picture I took.”

‘What’s it of?’

“You’ll see.”
After setting the table and fixing breakfast

“Alright guys dig in.”

‘Lop Pun’ (Mmmmm so Good)

‘You know it’

“Eat up you guy are going to need the energy today.”

‘Infer Fer Fernape’ (I don’t think I’ll use that much energy wiping the floor with the competition)

“Easy Jacob  overconfidence can cause anyone to loose the battle.”

‘In Infer’ (Yeah Yeah)

‘I’m done’

“What you barely ate half a pancake.”

‘I can’t eat much it will go strait to my hips’

“Nonsense you could never get any less cute and beside you’ll need the energy. If you work it off you’ll still keep your figure.”

‘Well I guess you’re right’
Later after a good breakfast

“We got about 3hr till the contest lets get that leg checked Alice.”

‘Lop’ (OK)


‘Fer’ (On it)

Jacob grabs Alice and throws her over his shoulder

‘Lo-Lop Pun’ (Ja-Jacob what are you doing Teehehe)

‘In Infer’ (What’s it look like I’m carrying you)

“Lets get going.”

‘I’ll stay here and do the dishes’

“Alright when I get back I’ll give you hand.”

Paul leaves with Jacob carrying Alice to get Nurse Joy to look at Alice’s leg

“Alright set her down on the table so I can take a look at her.”

Jacob sets Alice down on the table

“Lets see. Hmmmm.”

Nurse Joy examines Alice’s leg for a few minutes

“Well it certainly has healed some but the muscle is still healing. She is allowed to walk on it but that’s it no running or jumping and it should be completely healed in about a month got it?”

“Yeah. Thanks for the help Nurse Joy.”

‘In Infer’ (Yeah Thanks)

“No need to thank me it’s my job.”

“Well still. Thanks.”

‘In Infer’ (Try to walk on your leg)

‘Lop’ (Alright)

Alice stands up and walks a few steps then stumbles and Jacob catches her

“No need to rush Alice just take your time. You’ll get better soon.”

‘In Infer Fernape’ (And I’ll be here until you do)

‘Lo Lop Pun (Thanks Jacob that means a lot to me)

“Lets get back and get ready for the contest.”


‘Lop’ (Alright)

“Thanks again Nurse Joy. See you later.”


Paul leaves the room with Jacob and Alice following close behind with Alice leaning on Jacob as not to fall as she walks
Back in their room

‘Welcome back so how was the check up’

“She can walk on it but no running or jumping and she should be fine in about a month. Any dishes left?”

‘No I got them all done. Just waiting on you guys to get back.’

“We got about an hour before the contest starts. Go put on you dress and I’ll fix us some snacks for later.”


Rose goes in the bath room to put her dress on and Paul fixes sandwiches for later and puts them in his backpack for later with some drinks and waters

“Alright the lunch is packed.”

Rose walks out of the bathroom

‘How do I Look?’

“As beautiful as ever.” Paul Kisses Rose on the cheek “I’ll just get dressed and we’ll be good to go.”

Paul goes into the bathroom with some clothes under his arm and comes out later all dressed up

“What do you think? I clean up nice huh.”

‘Wow never knew my man could look so good’

“Hehe yeah but I perfer my normal clothes over these.”

Paul is dressed up in a pair of blue jeans and wearing a black shirt

“Lets get going.”


Paul and Rose walk out of the room and Jacob and Alice follow right after with Alice

slowly walking holding on to Jacob as to not fall



At the Contest Hall

Marian:“And number 27 Conway”

“Well looks like we’re up next. Ready to go Rose?”

‘Yeah lets win this’

“That’s the spirit lets go.”

Marian:“Lets all give a big hand to Conway for his wonderful performance”

*Clapping and Cheering*

Marian“Our next contestant is from South City in Hoenn. Lets all give it up for Paul.”

“Lets do this Rose.”

‘You got it’

And just like in practice the performance goes off without a hitch

Marian:“Lets hear it for a wonderful performance.”

*Clapping and Cheering*

Marian:“Now lets see what the judges have to say.”

Mr. Contesta: What a wonderful performance I do hope to see more” *Bing* 9.6

Mr. Sukizo: “ Remarkable” *Bing* 8.7

Nurse Joy: “I wish I could dance like that.” *Bing* 8.9

Marian: Wow that’s the highest score so far a 27.2 and guarantees you a spot in the second round. Lets hear it once more for Paul.”

As Paul and Rose walk off stage *Clapping and Cheering*

‘Lo Lop Pun. Punny Lop Pun.’ (Wow you two were just amazing out their. I Can’t wait Till I can Do it too.)

“Hehe thanks Alice But remember you have to wait till your leg gets better.”

‘Lop Pun’ (I Know. I Know)



As the contest goes on

“Alright we made it to the finals! Lets see so our last opponent is ether going to be Conway or Sabrina.”

‘They both have preformed with the same Pokemon so far Conway and his Altaria and Sabrina with her Aipom’

“Yeah but ether way you’ll be able to beat them. Have you noticed yet?”

‘Noticed what?’

“That you have a natural talent for this you are much more perceptive on the contest field then on the battle field. You can anticipate, dodge, and attack faster and more naturally while still looking graceful. I think we've found your calling.”

‘Now that you mention it’

Marian: “And Time Is up. The contestant moving onto the final round is....Conway!”

*Clapping and Cheering*

Marian: “We will be taking a short 10min break so Conway’s Pokemon can rest a bit before the final.”

“Alright Rose ready to finish this?”

‘You know it’

Marian: “Alright People we’re back and it’s time for what you've all been waiting for the final round in this years Beach Rose Town Pokemon contest!”

*Clapping and Cheering*

Marian: “On my left we have the cool, calm, and collected Paul with his partner Rose the Gardevoir!”

Paul: “Hope your'e all are ready to see a good show.”

*Loud Clapping, cheering and whistling*

Marian: “And on my left we have the mysterious and quiet Conway.”

Conway: “Lets get our 2nd ribbon. Go Leafeon!”

Marian: “And Conway’s last round Pokemon is Leafeon!”

*Clapping and cheering*

Marian: “5 minutes on the clock.” *Bing* “And Begin!”

Conway: “Leafeon use Razor Leaf!”

‘Lea’ (Going)

Leafeon sent Razor Leaf strait towards Rose

Paul: “Rose lets make that Razor Leaf our own and send it right back.”

‘I got it’

Rose takes control of Razor Leaf with Psychic and sends it back along with her Petal Dance. It is a direct hit and makes Conway’s bar go down a quarter and causing a thick smoke cloud.

Paul: “Nice.”

Conway: “Leaf Blade”

‘Feon!’ (Take This!)

Leafeon jumps out of the smoke and scores a direct hit

‘Ah Ow. OK that one hurt’

Paul’s bar goes down little less than a quarter

Conway: “Energy Ball.”

Paul: “Rose!”

‘On It’

Rose counters the Energy Ball with her Shadow Ball and causes an explosion with a strong shock wave followed by a plume of smoke. Paul’s and Conway’s bars goes down half a quarter.

Paul: “Rose get moving into the smoke.”

‘But. Aw! I get it’

Rose goes into the smoke and disappears

Conway: “Leafeon stay on alert.’

‘Lea’ (Right)

Paul: “Now Rose!”

Suddenly a Shadow Ball comes flying out of the smoke strait at Leafeon and she dodges

Conway: “That the best you got?”

Paul: “Not even close. Rose!”

A barrage of Shadow Balls Come flying out of the smoke at Leafeon who dodges them all each time Paul’s bar goes down little by little

Conway: “Lets end this. Leafeon Jump and use Leaf Blade!”

‘Feon’ (You’re going down)

Leafeon jumps and is about to use Leaf Blade when

Paul: “Now Rose!”

Rose jumps out of the smoke right above Leafeon with a Mach Punch ready

‘This might hurt a bit girl’

‘Feon’ (How did you?

Roses Mach Punch hits Leafeon strait on the head sending her flying to the ground Conway’s bar goes goes down one third

Conway: “Leafeon get up I know You can do it.”

‘Lea Feon’ (Ow that really hurt my ears are ringing)

Leafeon stumbles to her feet

*Bing* Marina: “And time is up and the winner of the this years Beach Rose Town Pokemon Contest is...” Paul’s bar is about double Conway’s bar “Paul!”

Paul: “Alright you did it Rose you won.”

Rose runs to Paul and he catches her and twirls her around as Mr. Contesta walks towards them holding the ribbon and prize money and Mr. Sukizo holding the egg in its case

Mr. Contesta: “With great pleasure I present you with the Beach Rose Town contest ribbon and the prize money of $5000.”

Paul takes the ribbon and prize money from Mr. Contesta

Paul: “Thanks but this doesn't belong to me it belongs to her.”

Paul turns to Rose and pins the ribbon on her dress

Paul: “You were beautiful out there Rose. Congrats on your first contest ribbon.”

Rose blushes ‘Thank you Paul’

Mr. Sukizo: “Your performance was simply remarkable. You have earned this.”

Paul: “Thank you.”

Paul takes the egg case with the egg inside

Nurse Joy: “I’m sure that you’ll take good care of the Pokemon when it hatches.”

Paul: “I am too”

Marian: “Lets hear it one more time for all of our wonderful contestants and we hope to see you all at the next Pokemon contest.”

*Loud clapping and cheering*



As Paul and Rose are walking off stage

Conway: “Paul wait up!”

Paul: “Conway. What’s up?”

Conway: “How did your Gardevoir get that last attack in so fast and get so high to do it after shooting off all those Shadow Balls from right on the ground even after Leafeon had jumped?”

Paul: “Her name is Rose. And that’s simple. She wasn't on the ground at all.”

Conway: “What!?”

‘That’s right when I went into the smoke I sent off a lot of Shadow Balls and stopped them using Psychic. Then I lifted myself into position in the air using Psychic and at the same time sending the Shadow Balls flying towards Leafeon with Psychic as well.’

Conway: “Wow how did you get that idea?”

Paul: “I sent it to her using my Aura.”

Conway: “Well the next time we battle I’m going to be the one who wins.”

Conway sticks out his hand to shake Paul. Paul grabs Conway’s hand and shakes it

Paul: “I dought that.”

Paul and Rose walk over to where Jacob and Alice are waiting for them

‘Lo Lop Pun’ (Congrats on winning guys)

‘Infer Fer Fernape’ (Hehe Yeah not to bad for a beauty girl)

“Thanks guys. Guess we’re going to have a new member on the team soon.”

‘Yeah wonder what it’s going to be?’

“Don't know we’ll just have to wait till it hatches. So you guys know what we are going to do next right?”

‘No what?’

‘Lop Pun?’ (What are we going to do?)

‘Infer’ (Oh I've got a bad feeling)



‘Lop’ (Yay)

‘Infer. Fernape Fer’ (Oh I hate it when I’m right. Well no helping it now)

“Lets get going.’


‘Lop Pun’ (Come on Jacob!)

‘Infer’ (Oh No)



Later at the Poke-Mart

“Alright Alice I need you to go with Rose and we’ll meet up later at register 9. Here is your list.’

Paul Hands Rose a Shopping list

‘Lop Pun?’ (But Why?)

Rose looks down at their list

“Because I don’t want to have to carry Jacob all the way back to the Pokemon Center.”

‘Lop?’ (What?)

Rose grabs Alice by the arm and starts dragging her along with Alice struggling to keep up and not fall with her leg hopping along on her good one

‘Come on Alice you’ll understand later’

‘Lop Pun Pun Lo Lop’ (What. Hey. Rose. Slow down.)

“Come On Jacob.”

‘Infer’ (Oh Thank God)



After 15 min of shopping

“OK So we got the tents, a grill to put over a fire, some strong plastic plates and bowls with lids, a large cooler, and a small safe. Alright on to the food.”

In Infer?’ (How are we going to carry all of this?)

“Well I’ll be carrying most of it.”

Paul and Jacob start walking to the food section of the store



With Alice and Rose in the wimen's clothes section of the store

‘Here Alice try this one on’

Rose hands Alice a night gown over the door of the changing room

‘Lo Lop Pun?’ (Are you sure this is alright to be buying clothes?)

‘Paul put it on our list so yeah’

Alice walks out of the changing room wearing a white almost transparent night gown

‘Lo Lop Pun?’ (So how do I look?)

‘Wow that’s the one. Alright go back in there and I’ll go find you something to wear during the day.’

‘Lop’ (Alright)

Alice goes back into the changing room and takes off her night gown as Rose goes off to find Alice a dress

‘I’m back try this on’

Rose hand Alice a purple mini skirt and scarf

‘Lo Lop’ (Well this doesn't look to bad)

Alice puts on the mini skirt and scarf and walks out to show Rose

‘Lop Pun?’ (How do I look?)

‘Oooo Perfect that’s the one. Alright go change out of it and we’ll get the rest of the stuff on the list.’

‘Pun’ (OK)

Alice goes and gets changed out of her new clothes and comes back out with them folded over her arm

‘Lo Lop Pun’ (Lets get going)




With Paul and Jacob over in the food section of the store

“Alright that should be enough food to last us till we get to Oreburgh City. Hmmmmm”

Paul looks over at Jacob and gets an idea

“Next to the men's clothes to get you some duds.”

‘In Infer Fernape?’ (What? Why do I need new clothes? I don’t have any to begin with.)

“Just come on. You’ll thank me later.”

Paul and Jacob go to the men's clothes section of the store

“Alright just go in there and wait for me to bring you some stuff to try on.”

“*Sigh* Fer’ (Alright)

Paul leaves and comes back with a bunch of clothes

“Here try these on man.”

‘*Sigh* Fer’ (OK)

Jacob takes the pile of clothes and goes change into a pair

‘Infer’ (Well what do you think)

Jacob is wearing a purple rock t-shirt with torn sleeves


Jacob goes back and changes again

‘In Infer?’ (Well what about this one?)

Jacob walks out wearing a green ti-dye shirt

“Are you kidding me. Next.”

Jacob goes back in and changes into the last of the clothes

‘In Infer’ (Well this is the last of it)

Jacob comes out in a black leather biker vest with no sleeves and black gloves

“Alright I think we have a winner. Keep that one.”

‘In Infer?’ (You sure?)

Jacob looks in the mirror next to the changing rooms

‘Fer Fernape’ (Well I don’t look to bad in it)

“Well take them off and lets go find the girls.”

Jacob goes and takes his new clothes off

“Alright to the registers.”



At the registers

“Over here girls”

‘Oh There you are. Sorry we took so long.’

‘In Infer Fer Fernape?’ (It’s OK we weren't waiting to long. So what was it you had to get without me?)

‘You’ll see soon enough. Teehe’

‘Pun Lop’ (Teehe. I think you’ll like it the most)

“Come on lets get these rung up. Looks like register 6 has a short line.”

Female Cashier: ”Wow that’s a lot of stuff this is going to take a while. How are you going to carry it all?”

Paul: “I’m stronger than I look and so is my friend Jacob here.” pats Jacob on the back

‘In Infer’ (Oh I knew it)

Female Cashier: “Um Sir do you have a Trainer card with you?”

Paul: “Oh Yes”

Paul hands the cashier his trainer card, she swipes it, and hands it back

Paul: “Crap I for got something. Jacob.” Paul whispers in Jacobs ear and gives him $100 and Jacob goes to buy the item while Paul and the girls wait while the cashier rings up his purchase



20 min later

Female Cashier: “Finally done your final purchase is $1824.76”

Paul: “Wow that’s a lot.”

Paul takes out his wallet and starts counting out his money

Paul: “120,130,140,150,160,170,180,1900. Keep the change girl you earned it.”

Female Cashier: “I’ll say and a break. Do you want the receipts?”

Paul: “No just throw it away.”

Female Cashier: “Alright thank you and come again but next time use a different register.”

Paul: “Hehe I will.”

Paul and the girls walk outside where Jacob is waiting for them with the item that Paul told him to go buy in a small bag with Paul carrying almost everything pilled on top of his shoulders and the girls carrying their clothes they bought and a few of the lighter groceries and Rose carrying the egg

‘Lo Lop Pun Punny’ (Paul you know we can carry more than this let us take some of those)

‘Yeah you don’t have to carry every thing you know’

“Relax girls. I can lift much more than this I haven’t even broken a sweat yet. Hmmm. Oh there you are Jacob well did you get it let me see?”

‘In Infer’ (Alright take a look)

Paul looks in the bag

“Alright that’s the right one just don’t show them till later OK.”

‘Fer’ (K)

‘Lop Pun?’ (What is it?)

‘Yeah I want to know too’

“You’ll find out soon enough. Now lets get back to the Pokemon Center and put this stuff up before I lose my balance and it all comes falling down.”

‘Good point’



Later at the Pokemon Center

“*Hugh*” Paul sits the groceries down in front of the Pokemon Center

“Girls go put your stuff down in the room first and make sure to put the egg somewhere where it won’t get damaged.”

‘OK. We’ll come back out to help you guys carry groceries in.’


Alice and Rose head to their room to put what they got up

“Alright quick hand it to me so they don’t try and sneak a peek while we put the groceries away.”

‘Fer’ (Alright)

Paul takes the item out of the bag and puts it in his back pocket

“Now lets get this stuff to the room.”

‘Infer’ (Sure)

Paul and Jacob grab a few bags and carry them to the room



Later after getting all the groceries in the room and everything ready to go in the morning

“ Finally done with that. I’m not even going to bother with a bath tonight.”

‘In Infer’ (Yeah me nether)

“Looks like the girls fell asleep”

‘Fer’ (Yeah)

“Oh here Jacob take this and put it in one of the pockets on your vest.”

Paul hands Jacob the item and he puts it with his new clothes

‘Feer’ (*Yawn*)

“It is getting late. Go ahead and get some sleep man. I’m going to go change then hit the sack myself.”

‘Infer Fer’ (Alright night man)


Paul goes into the bathroom to change into his pajamas as Jacob goes over to the wall and falls asleep. Paul comes back out and sees Jacob already asleep.

“How can you be that tired? I was the one who carried all the groceries. Hmmm.”

Paul sees Rose laying on the bed still in her dress

“Silly you were supposed to take that off before you fell asleep. Guess I can give you a hand.”

Paul carefully takes Rose’s light blue dress and hangs it up in the closet with his jacket, red shirt, and black pants with his red bandanna and goggles on the shelf above them. He then goes back over and crawls into bed with Rose making sure not to wake her

“Good night my Sweet Flower hope you sleep well.”

Rose then rolls over and grabs onto Paul


“Guess she’s still asleep.”

Paul then falls asleep with Rose still holding onto him



9 A.M in the morning

‘Feeeeer Infer’ (Yaaawn. Guess it’s time to get up)

Paul whispers “Morning Jacob.”

‘In Infer’ (Where are you? I don’t see you)

“Hehe oh just stuck to the bed.”

Jacob looks over to the bed and sees Paul laying there with Rose still hanging onto him rubbing his crotch with her leg still asleep

‘In Infer’ (Well don’t you look comfortable)

“Shut it man. I want to move but I’ll wake her up. She’s been doing this for the last 30 min. What do you think woke me up?”

Rose suddenly stops moving her leg and turns over releasing Paul. Paul quickly gets up before she can turn back over and grab him again

“Man I don’t know how much more of that I could take before I lost it.”

‘In Infer Fer Fernape In In Fernape’ (I’m surprised you lasted 30 min. most guys would have lost it after about 10. I got to give it to you man you sure can restrain yourself.)

“Thanks. Well I’m going to start breakfast. Go take a shower and put on your new clothes while I get it ready. You stink man and ladies hate men who stink.

*Snif snif* ‘In Infer’ (Few! Good point)

Jacob goes to the bathroom and takes a shower as Paul fixes breakfast and a few minutes later Jacob comes out of the bathroom wearing his new black biker vest and gloves

‘In Infer’ (So how do I look man?)

“Not bad. Very badass and cool.”

‘Mmmmmmm *Yawn* Morning breakfast smells good.....Is...Is that...Jacob?’

“Morning Rosey. Yeah That’s Jacob in the new duds he got yesterday. What do you think? Looks good doesn't he?”

‘Yeah. Very cool looking.’

‘In Infer. Infer Fer Fernape?’ (Hehe. Thanks Rose. You Think Alice will like it?)

‘Teehe. Yeah you might have trouble keeping her off of you’

‘Infer’ (I don’t think she’ll like it that much)

‘Loooop Pun Punny’ (*Yawn* Who won’t like what howw muuuuuch?)

Alice notices Jacob and his new clothes and just stares Rose starts waving her hand in front of Alice’s face ‘Alice. Hey Alice. Snap out of it girl. Hey Alice!’

‘Lo Lop Lop Pun Punny’ (What What? Yeah What? What is it?)

‘You were stareing at Jacob in your own little world for a minute there’

“I know he looks good in his new duds but try not to stare to much OK?”

Alice blushes Hard and buries her face in her hands



“Why don’t you girls go and take a bath while I finnish fixing breakfast?”


Alice with her face still in her hands blushing ‘Lop Lop Pun’ (Yeah sure. That sounds good.)

“Rose your dress is hanging up in the closet.”

‘OK thanks’

Rose grabs her dress out of the closet and hangs it on the inside knob of the bathroom door then goes and helps Alice into the bathroom with her new clothes still in the bag hanging on her arm

‘In Infer?’ (What did Alice have under her arm?)

“Oh that was the new clothes they bought at the store.”

‘Infer Fer Fernape’ (Oh Can’t wait to see)

Paul finishes fixing breakfast as Alice and Rose come out of the bathroom with Alice in her new clothes

Jacob stares at Alice

‘Lop Pun?’ (Ummm Jacob you OK?)

‘Feeer’ (Woooow)

‘Pun?’ (Jacob?)

Jacob snaps out of it and and blushes hard

‘In Infer. Fer Infer Fernape’ (Oh Oh sorry didn't mean to stare. You look good Alice.)

Alice blushes ‘Lo Lop’ (That’s OK)

“Not bad Alice you could give Rose a run for her money.”


“Just kidding honey. Alright guys eat up. I’m going to go shower and when I get out We’ll fix the packs and leave.”


‘Pun’ (K)

‘Fer’ (OK)

Paul goes to the bathroom to shower as the others sit down to eat



After a good breakfast, some packing, and fixing lunch for later

“Alright that should be everything. Alice you got the clothes and some of the food in your backpack.”

‘Lop Pun’ (Right)

“Rose has got the rest of the food, her stuff, and the medical equipment and stuff in yours and you got the egg too right?”

‘Yeah all here’

“Jacob You have the cooking equipment in yours.”

‘Infer’ (Yeah)

“And I've go the tents, collapsible tables, and covers in mine and I’ll carry the cooler too.”

‘In Infer Fer Fernape’ (Hey Paul trade me bags. You don’t have to carry all that.)

“No You’ll somehow catch them on fire.”

‘Fer Infer’ (Then at least let me carry the cooler)

“Sorry man you’re a natural heater. It would defeat the purpose of even having the cooler.”

‘Infer’ (Good point)

“Alright lets get moving.”

They all leave the room and Paul locks the door behind them and head for the door

Paul: “Here’s your key back Nurse Joy we’re leaving for Oreburgh City.”

Nurse Joy: “Alright good luck in your gym battle.”

Paul: “You don’t need luck when you’re good. Later.”

Nurse Joy: “Oh Paul a package came for you this morning from Kanto.”

Paul: “Oh right. I had completely forgot about that thanks.”

Nurse Joy: “No problem. Bye”

Paul puts the package on top of the cooler and heads out the door



At the outskirts of town

Ash: “Hey Paul!”

Paul: “Hmmm”

Misty: “Wait up!”

Paul: “Ash, Misty what’s up?”

Paul sets down the cooler and package as Ash and Misty run up to Paul out of breath panting

Ash: “Paul That was an awesome performance at the contest”

Misty: “Yeah Rose was just beautiful out there. Was that really your first one?”

Paul: “Yeah”

Misty: “Wow. Impressive.”

Paul: “Yeah guess Rose found her calling.”

Misty: “Agreed.”

Ash: “Hey Paul Good Luck on your journey. Here take the number to my X-transceiver.”

Paul: “Thanks man but I won’t be able to use it till I get my own X-transceiver.”

Ash: “That’s alright just get one before you enter the Sinnoh League so we can have a rematch.”

Paul: “Sure but you’ll just loose again.”

Ash: “Yeah Yeah. Well we’re heading the other way.”

Paul: “Alright see you guys later then.”

‘Bye guys’

Ash: “See you”

Misty: “Alright Ash lets get going. You said we were going shopping after this.”

Ash: “Oh right”

Paul: “Good luck Ash.”

Ash and Misty head back to town with Misty pulling Ash by his arm. Paul picks up the cooler and package.

“OK guys lets get going to.”


‘Infer’ (Sure)

‘Pun’ (Lets go)





Location: Route 162
Number of Friends on Team: 3
Days to Oreburgh City: 5



End Chapter 2
part 3

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